Nordjyske Bank - Office

Nordjyske Bank - Lounge

Nordjyske Bank - Logo Mos Image

Nordjyske Bank - Conversation area

Nordjyske Bank - Office

Nordjyske Bank
The interior of Nordjyske Bank has become more inviting with a warm atmosphere that invites customers in and makes them feel welcome. The carefully selected materials and colors contribute to a cozy and safe atmosphere that reflects the bank's reliability.
Nordjyske Bank's primary goal was to create a device that signals invitation and security. It was important to them that customers feel that things are in control and that they can feel safe and welcome in the bank.

The style that was chosen is characterized by oak and moss, which adds a natural and Scandinavian aesthetic to the room. The colors of nature have played a central role in making the decor nice and welcoming

The design process
The design process began with a thorough conversation with Nordjyske Bank to understand their visions, thoughts and ideas. After listening to their wishes and considerations about furniture, we together chose some of our models that would reinforce the atmosphere they were looking for.
One of the creative challenges we encountered was to incorporate Nordjyske Bank's logo in a unique way. We decided to create their steel logo and integrate it into the round moss images, which added a distinctive and elegant detail to the room.

Looking for more ideas?
Explore our great cases and find inspiration for your next interior design project!