We create the room, along with you

At RAW Solution we specialize in developing designs that unite raw and elegant materials. Materials and designs that create a special atmosphere in the room. It is our DNA and is therefore what we design from when creating unique and inviting working environments for organizations and businesses across the country. In our view, business decoration is primarily aimed at creating an environment where you can thrive and feel inspired and where there is a breeding ground for increased efficiency. Therefore, we design with a passion for innovating and combining materials that bring value to your workplace and employees.

Nordjyske Bank

Nordjyske Bank's nye indretning skaber en indbydende og varm atmosfære, der får kunderne til at føle sig velkomne og trygge. Med nøje udvalgte materialer som egetræ og mos, kombineret med naturlige farver, er der skabt en hyggelig og pålidelig atmosfære.. Indretningen afspejler bankens fokus på kundernes økonomiske tryghed og komfort, hvilket gør hvert område af banken både funktionelt og indbydende.

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I Atop's nye kontordomicil mødes rå betonvægge og sorte gulve med grønne mosvægge og pulverlakeret stål fra Raw Solutions. Denne kombination skaber en dynamisk og moderne atmosfære, der forbinder industrielt design med natur. Oplev deres store moslogo, der pryder indgangen og trappen til mødelokalet.

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House Of Foods

House of Foodshar etableret en ny kontorindretning, der afspejler deres vision om at blive en førende fødevareleverandør. Fokus er på innovative vægdekorationer og loftløsninger, samt et inspirerende arbejdsmiljø med små oaser til medarbejderne. Fleksible rumdelere og R4-modeller forbedrer akustikken og det visuelle udtryk.

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Restaurant Alimentum

A delicious dining area and an exclusive foodlab section with a touch of nature designed by Raw Solution

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Himmerland Golf and Spa Resort

Himmerland Golf and Spa Resort has set up two atmospheric restaurants with RAW Solution.

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The House of Music, Aalborg

At the House of Music, our goal was to make a good interaction with the building's external appearance and inner design in the concert hall.

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An inspiring business environment

We work with a passion for creating new, unconventional solutions that go beyond design trends in is therefore guaranteed a business decor, which focuses on Danish design quality and craftsmanship in first class. Of course, your working environment must both carry an aesthetics that match your identity, and in addition a functionality that matches your needs. At RAW Solution we develop interior design solutions with an industrial aesthetics and inspiration from minimalism and simple expressions. These are designs that speak for themselves and are unique in its simplicity that give your space edge and personality. You are therefore more than welcome to reach out if you need a competent partner to create the right working environment for exactly you.

Mogens Daarbak Ejendomsselskab A/S

A bar in delicious vintage new yorker

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Norlys Energy Trading

Office decor with raw solution 

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Hairdresser Visti

Hairdressing - Create a Visual Identity 

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Raw Solutions DNA

Read more about how we at Raw Solution work and bring exclusive materials together to create a unique space and an oasis of well -being.